Lalu Prasad Yadav, president of the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), an important constituent of the Grand Alliance, which was in power in Bihar, was in Patna. Lalu Yadav has reached Delhi from Patna on Saturday. Lalu Yadav left for Delhi from Patna by a flight at 10 am. Lalu Yadav has reached Delhi and said that he will meet Congress President Sonia Gandhi along with Nitish Kumar. Lalu Yadav has said that we will make every effort to unite the opposition. He reiterated that we will overthrow PM Modi’s power in the 2024 general elections. Earlier, Lalu Yadav was also seen in his familiar style at Patna airport. Lalu Yadav, while talking to reporters at Patna airport, also targeted the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Home Minister Amit Shah, who was visiting Bihar. Lalu Yadav told Home Minister Amit Shah to retire. He said that Amit Shah has now retired. Lalu Yadav also claimed that BJP will be wiped out. It is worth noting that Lalu Yadav has been battling kidney disease for a long time. Lalu Yadav will go abroad and get his treatment. Court has allowed Lalu Yadav to go abroad for kidney transplant. Related news Lalu Yadav wants to go to Singapore for kidney transplant. For this he had sought permission from the court. The passport of RJD supremo Lalu Yadav, convicted in the fodder scam, was deposited in the court. Lalu Yadav had demanded from the court to release the passport for renewal after the expiry of the passport. The court had released Lalu Yadav’s passport, after which it was renewed and after that permission was sought from the court to go abroad for treatment. After getting permission from the court, the way has been cleared to go abroad for the treatment of Lalu Yadav. Lalu Yadav was currently undergoing treatment at AIIMS Hospital in Delhi. Let us inform that Home Minister Amit Shah is on a two-day visit to Seemanchal region of Bihar. Amit Shah had fiercely attacked the pair of Lalu and Nitish. Now Lalu Yadav has retaliated by calling him retired. (With inputs from news agency ANI)