In Kerala, there is a tussle once again between Governor Arif Mohammad Khan and Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan. The latest case is related to a press conference called by the governor. CM Pinarayi Vijayan says that Raj Bhavan has broken the protocol, it should follow the advice of the state cabinet. Pointing to Governor Arif Mohammad Khan’s press conference convened on Monday, CM Vijayan said that the Raj Bhavan is violating the protocol. He told the media that the governor should follow the advice of the state cabinet, which is what the Constitution expects from him. The post of governor prevents him from showing closeness to any political organization. The CM said that the governor was speaking about the incident that happened during the ‘History Congress’ in Kannur three years ago. Protests were going on across the country against the CAA then. Then some representatives opposed him, when he spoke in favor of CAA in Congress. He said that in many states also there is tension between the governor and the state government over the appointment of vice-chancellors of universities. This includes Tamil Nadu, Bengal and Rajasthan. Here the governor wants to appoint Sangh Parivar (RSS) people as Vice Chancellors in the universities. Related news CM Pinarayi Vijayan has met Governor Arif Mohammad Khan and RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat in Kochi. The CM said that he wants to make the university a laboratory for some fixed agenda. We will not allow them to turn universities into use factories for the RSS. Vijayan said that his government does not need to take advantage of the governor by pressurizing him. Rather, the governor is challenging the constitution by refusing to sign the bills. They should follow the advice of the state cabinet. (Report: Shibi)