In Uttar Pradesh’s Ghaziabad, the police arrested a vicious criminal who earlier befriended girls on Facebook. Then later he used to edit his photo and make obscene videos. After making the video, he used to blackmail them and charge a huge amount. The case is of Khoda area of Ghaziabad. Police said that the name of the accused is Nidhish Chandran and is originally from Kerala. SP City II Gyanendra Singh said that a victim had lodged a report against the accused at Sahibabad police station. The victim told that Nidhish first befriended her on Facebook. Then on the pretext of getting a job, get his photos ordered. When the girl sent the photos, Nidhish edited those photos and made an obscene video. After showing that video, he started asking for money from the girl. The girl alleged that Nidhish told her that if I do not give her money, she will leak my video. On the complaint of the girl, the police took the matter seriously and arrested the accused Nidhish. The police also recovered videos of several girls from Nidhish, through which he used to blackmail them. The accused has confessed his crime. He told that he did all this in the greed of money. Even before this, he has made many girls his victim. Currently interrogating the accused. Blackmail by threatening to make the edited photo viral Earlier, on September 7, the STF had arrested a man demanding Rs 5 lakh by threatening to make the edited photo of a girl from Kidwai Nagar in Kanpur viral. Actually, an edited obscene photo of the same girl was sent on the Facebook Messenger of Kidwai Nagar resident Vishal Sharma. She was stunned to see this. The young man blackmailed him and said that give him five lakh rupees or else he will make this photo viral. On August 30, the girl had filed a case at Kidwai Nagar police station on the basis of ID. Kidwai Municipal Inspector Ashok Kumar Dubey told that the help of STF was taken in the matter. It was learned that a Facebook account named Vishal Sharma was created through an e-mail ID named Rishabh. When it was traced, it came to know that it is fake. Mohan Singh, a resident of Daulatpur Akhwalipur Mallawan Hardoi, was blackmailing the girl using these fake IDs. STF arrested him and sent him to jail.